DRDD version 1.1 contains 12,032 RDDs in the following species
No. of RDD Species Coding region UTR Unclassified Reference
12032 Human 4672 5312 2048 Li M et al, Widespread RNA and DNA sequence differences in the human transcriptome, Science, 333(6038):53-8.

Ju YS et al, Extensive genomic and transcriptional diversity identified through massively parallel DNA and RNA sequencing of eighteen Korean individuals, Nat Genet, 43(8):745-52.

DRDD version 1.0 contains 10,210 RDDs in the following species
No. of RDD Species Coding region 5’ UTR 3’ UTR Unclassified Reference
10210 Human 4453 386 3977 1394 Li M et al, Widespread RNA and DNA sequence differences in the human transcriptome, Science, 333(6038):53-8.