RefSeq NC_002133
Organism Bifidobacterium breve plasmid pCIBb1
Topology Circular
Lineage Bacteria, Actinobacteria, Bifidobacteriales, Bifidobacteriaceae, Bifidobacterium.
Assembly level Complete
Chromosome size 5750 nt
Chromosome GC content 0.57
Indicator genes
  • rep      2373 ... 3515 nt
Replication origins
You can click the link here to view the detailed information of each replication origin.


The interactive Z-curve figure. Users can zoom in on areas of interest. The red, green, blue and yellow line graphs indicate AT, GC, RY and MK disparity. The purple vertical lines indicate the DnaA box cluster. When the mouse is hovering over the purple dots, the location and DnaA box index will be displayed. The red and blue dotted line indicate the locations of indicator genes and replication origins, respectively. When the mouse is hovering over the red circle or blue triangle, the location of the replication-related gene or replication origin will be displayed.


The interactive Z-curves rotated at the maximum of the GC disparity.